Know How to Apply for Self Employed ProgramLive Your Canadian Dream

Canada Self-Employed Persons Program

Welcome to Ask Kubeir's Canada Self-Employed Persons Program Services!

Are you a cultural enthusiast or a skilled athlete looking to make Canada your permanent home? The Self-Employed Persons Program offers you the opportunity to immigrate to Canada based on your expertise in cultural activities or athletics, with a commitment to enriching the artistic and athletic landscape of the country. Our services specialize in guiding individuals through this unique immigration pathway, ensuring a smooth and successful application process.

Eligibility for the Self-Employed Persons Program is based on occupations classified under NOC groups 51 and 52. Whether self-employed in an eligible occupation or engaged in world-class cultural or athletic pursuits, we’re here to help you navigate the requirements and showcase your qualifications effectively.

With a minimum experience requirement of two 1-year periods of full-time work within the last 5 years, every additional year of experience enhances your chances of qualifying as a top candidate. Our team understands the importance of maximizing your points through comprehensive documentation of your knowledge and achievements.

Beyond experience, demonstrating your commitment to continuing your cultural or athletic activities in Canada is essential. We assist you in showcasing your intent to establish your activities in Canada through strategic business plans, partnerships, exploratory visits, and financial support arrangements.

In addition to experience and intent, our services address other selection criteria such as education, age, language proficiency in English and/or French, adaptability, and meeting medical and police clearance requirements. We provide personalized guidance and support at every step of the application process, ensuring you present a strong case for immigration to Canada under the Self-Employed Persons Program. Remember, professional guidance can make all the difference in your immigration journey.

Embrace the opportunity to make Canada your permanent home while pursuing your passion for cultural activities or athletics. Let Ask Kubeir be your trusted partner in realizing your immigration dreams through the Canada Self-Employed Persons Program. Imagine the personal growth and fulfillment that await you in a country that values and supports your talents.